Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Max on the topic of love:
Mommy: Max, do you know who loves you?
Max: nods and points to himself
Mommy: Do you know who else loves you?
Max: smiles and points his thumb at me
Mommy: Do you know how much I love you?
Max: nods and says 2-9!

Musings on growing older:
Mom, when I get older I'm going to eat bad guys!

Max on his butt:
As we were changing his diaper Max decided he wanted to look behind him and see his butt. He would twist and turn and strain his neck to try to look behind and down to his bottom, but had no luck. He said, "Mommy, I really need to see my butt."
I told him to turn his neck and look down.
He tried and tried again with no luck.
"Mommy," he said with a sigh, "I really heart broken."
"What?" I asked.
"I really heartbroken," he said again.
"Why? I asked.
"Cause I can't see my butt."


  1. He is talking really well! He is such a cute little guy!

  2. That is freaking Hilarious!!! "Cause I can't see my butt." AHh`haaa! I love it. Little creature is so creative! Can't wait to make him fall in love with me too!(: See ya in a couple weeks!
    Madi used to love us "2, 1 doll-uz" So cute when they have there own language!

  3. SO funny - that is so fargin funny!!thanks for sharing...you must have been cracking up!
